160 Teilnehmerinnen waren in München zusammengekommen, um das Problem zu diskutieren, dass die IT-Sicherheitsbranche dringend einen Image-Wechsel braucht. Es fehlt der Nachwuchs. Das Bild vom „Techi“, der tagelang in einer dunklen Kammer sitzt, stimme längst nicht mehr. Heutzutage böten IT und IT-Sicherheit spannende Aufgaben an verschiedensten Schnittstellen im Unternehmen. Forderungen lauteten: Frauen in der IT-Sicherheitsbranche sollten jungen Frauen die Vielseitigkeit von Cybersecurity-Jobs deutlich machen. Zudem müssten Mädchen frühzeitig für Technik begeistert werden. Gleichzeitig müsse die Branche Quereinsteiger zulassen, um neue Impulse zu gewinnen.
Weiterhin wurden aktuelle Trends der Cyberabwehr diskutiert und Frauenkarrieren in der Cyberbranche präsentiert. Rednerinnen und Moderatorinnen waren führende IT-Sicherheitsexpertinnen aus Wirtschaft, Verwaltung und Wissenschaft.
Veranstalter war die INFODAS GmbH.
LASER World of PHOTONICS, June 24–27, 2019, Messe München, Germany
LASER World of PHOTONICS 2019, the world’s leading trade fair for photonics, took place in Munich from June 24 to 27. Top-level topics such as electromobility and sustainability were as much the focus of the trade fair as new methods in medicine, which are made possible by modern biophotonics. 1,325 exhibitors from 40 countries demonstrated the diversity and importance of photonics from the automotive industry to biophotonics. 34,000 visitors were able to experience all the innovations and trends of the industry live at the LASER World of PHOTONICS. The latest lasers and laser systems for production in the exhibition area were complemented by live demos with blue light as part of the special exhibition Photons in Production.
TeleTrusT-interner Workshop und 30-jähriges TeleTrusT-Jubiläum, 13.06.2019 in Berlin
Im Rahmen des internen Workshops mit nachfolgender Jubiläumsfeier traten wir mit unserem Impulsvortrag zum Thema „Smart City sucht Smart Citizens!“ auf.
Unser Ansatz: Die Stadt kann nur so smart sein, wie die Menschen, die darin leben smart sind. Es geht nicht nur darum eine Smart City unter der Verwendung von Technologien zu erschaffen, sondern die Bewohner zu befähigen, diese Technologien für sich anwenden zu können. Da das Konzept einer Smart City, bereits schrittweise eingeführt wird, benötigt der Bürger jetzt ein „Survival Kit“, um moderne Technologien selbstständig als aktives Subjekt und nicht als passives Objekt für sich anwenden zu können. Der Bürger muss in die Lage versetzt werden, den gesamten Prozess zu beherrschen. Dies muss qualitativ und quantitativ erfolgen. Denn dem Bürger stehen immer mehr Parteien gegenüber. Vielleicht ähnelt der Bau einer Smart City bald dem Turm von Babel. In Analogie sind die verschiedenen Sprachen nun die verschiedenen Sicherheitsdienste.
Links zur Veranstaltung:
ECCWS – 18th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security
Our abstract entitled: “Smart citizens wanted! How to act responsibly with data security and privacy?’’ submitted to 18th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security 4 – 5 July 2019, University of Coimbra, Portugal has been selected as a contribution. Come and see us!
The Nobelprize Award Ceremony on 10 December 2018 in Stockholm
„For the greatest benefit of humankind. “ Alfred Nobel
Our student trainee Sophie was honored to attend the Nobel Prize ceremony on December 10, 2018 in Stockholm. She was wearing the student cap and sash in colors of her faculty of Science and Engineering/ Biomedical Engineering at Linköping University.
The founders of Kikusema GmbH also got the opportunity to participate. The evening began at the concert hall with the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony.
A special warm and long applause received the prize winners in physiology or medicine for their achievements in the fight against cancer.
At the end all together sang the Swedish national anthem – it gave you the chills. Afterwards the laureates and the guests went by shuttle busses to the Blue Hall of Stockholm’s City Hall. Great entertainment and an amazing delicious menu of fine food and drinks were on offer.
Evening’s highlights were the speeches of the Nobel Prize laureates.
Donna Strickland, Frances H. Arnold, Tasuku Honjo and William D. Nordhaus.
Then we all went up to the dance in the Golden Room. To see and be seen was once again the motto….
Sophie could come meet her great role model Donna Strickland. Donna received the Nobel Prize for discoveries, which she already formulated in her PhD thesis. Donna is an inspiration for Sophie to go into research.
At one o’clock in the morning we went to the After Party at the Stockholm School of Economics. Because press, politicians and the royal family were not present students and winners could have come each other closer informally. But at this late or early hour it was not that easy anymore.
Sophie got the chance to describe her expetations and impressions of the
Nobel Prize ceremony in one article of the local newspaper (Mariestads Tidningen) and in two interviews on local radio (P4 Skaraborg).
The Nobel Banquet in Three Minutes
The Starter Dish in 30 seconds
Ditact women’s IT studies (Aug 20-Sept 1, 2018) in Salzburg
It was great to participate in the Ditact women’s IT studies (Aug 20 – Sept 1, 2018) in Salzburg. Both as a lecturer and as a participant. 208 female participants were able to choose from more than 50 course offers. It could be chosen from the modules: Data Protection, IT Security and Privacy, Machine Learning, Web and Introduction to Computer Science and many more.
I addition there were a lot of interesting lunch lectures, e.g. „Medicine meets Artificial Intelligence ‑ Neural Networks & Smarter Diagnosis“ held by Dr. Jana Kemnitz.
With my lecture: “Is the password dead? Safe authentication methods” I hit the nerve of the time. In everyday life, as well as in business life, secure authentication procedures become more and more urgent. But the users are largely left to their own devices to ensure that everything is safe. I gave an overview of the currently available authentication methods and a country comparison between Sweden, Austria and Germany. Because of the abundance of my facts, many practical tests of multiple factor authentication, and the urgency of the topic, I would like to extend my lecture to a whole course day next year.
Instead of course materials I designed a website (https://ccc.ziske.de). For that I’ve quickly taught myself WordPress. I was very happy to be able to deepen my knowledge in the course <Wordpress compact> to be better prepared for the next work on this website.
During the opening event, the keynote and subsequent panel discussion were about identifying ways to get more women interested in IT, and how mono-educational computer science programs favored the influx. In sum, the overall picture of the discussion and contributions showed that women’s degree programs in IT and computer science study courses still make sense.
17th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security 28-29 June 2018, Oslo, Norway
The ECCWS2018 held in Oslo was a great event, two days full of interesting subjects.
After the keynotes the conference split into many interesting topics as: Cross-discipline Research, Recent trends in Multimedia Security and Forensics, Networks issues, Mobile Technology, Hackers and Cyber Coercion, Ontologies and Theory Building, IACS-based Critical Infrastructures, Legal Issues, Digital Forensics, Understanding Cyber Events, Cyber Warfare and Cyber Issues as well as Practical Applications and Cyber Security for Internet of Things. The PhD Colloquium made up a large part with many interesting topics. In sum 77 presentations were held by people coming from about 20 countries.
We succeeded in getting across our ideas about “Get ahead of Coming Disruptions in Cyber Security by working Collaboratively“ in the space of 20 minutes. Our presentation was based on an online demo of our app “Scrambled Secrets”. Which was unique because most people dare not fail in a demo.
We are very proud that our topics has been published in the conference materials. It is our first academic publication!!!
Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Cyberwarfare and Security, University of Oslo, Norway, 28-29 June 2018
Please download the paper:
Get ahead Coming Disruptions in Cyber Security by Working Collaboratively
The next event, the 18th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security is taking place on 4‑5 July 2019 at the University of Coimbra. Maybe we would like to participate again with new ideas.
Coming event: 17th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security 28 – 29 June 2018, Oslo, Norway
Our abstract entitled: ‘’Get ahead Coming Disruptions in Cyber Security by Working Collaboratively’’ has been selected as a contribution to the 17th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ECCWS) 2018.
We are looking forward to demonstrating our thinking regarding Collaborative Security and PassSpace by showing ONLINE how multiple instances together authenticate access to sensitive data using different platforms and different tools.