The ECCWS2018 held in Oslo was a great event, two days full of interesting subjects.
After the keynotes the conference split into many interesting topics as: Cross-discipline Research, Recent trends in Multimedia Security and Forensics, Networks issues, Mobile Technology, Hackers and Cyber Coercion, Ontologies and Theory Building, IACS-based Critical Infrastructures, Legal Issues, Digital Forensics, Understanding Cyber Events, Cyber Warfare and Cyber Issues as well as Practical Applications and Cyber Security for Internet of Things. The PhD Colloquium made up a large part with many interesting topics. In sum 77 presentations were held by people coming from about 20 countries.
We succeeded in getting across our ideas about “Get ahead of Coming Disruptions in Cyber Security by working Collaboratively“ in the space of 20 minutes. Our presentation was based on an online demo of our app “Scrambled Secrets”. Which was unique because most people dare not fail in a demo.
We are very proud that our topics has been published in the conference materials. It is our first academic publication!!!
Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Cyberwarfare and Security, University of Oslo, Norway, 28-29 June 2018
Please download the paper:
Get ahead Coming Disruptions in Cyber Security by Working Collaboratively
The next event, the 18th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security is taking place on 4‑5 July 2019 at the University of Coimbra. Maybe we would like to participate again with new ideas.